
Can Heavy Rains Lead To Trees Falling?

Storm season is here and that comes with strong winds and heavy rain. The strong wind will batter your trees for days but the when the heavy rainfall begins so do the reports of falling trees. 

After several storm seasons, tree experts have discovered that excess moisture in the soil has a huge affect on the stability of the trees.

How does wet soil affect your Tree during storms

During heavy rainstorms the soil becomes saturated to the point that water replaces oxygen in the soil. As a result, without oxygen, trees are not able to maintain their health. The excessive water in the soil can have a short term impact and a long term impact that we will explain for you in this blog.

Short-term Impact of excessive water in soil

The main short term impact over saturated soil has on your trees pertains to its roots. The roots are not only the lifeline of the tree but it also is the anchor of the tree. As the trees anchor one of its jobs is to hold the tree upright. 

However, when the soil becomes saturated, the ground begins to loosen around the roots. As a result, the roots of the tree begin to lose grip. When you add strong winds to the mix, a tree faces the risk of falling over. In addition, if the tree is already growing off balance, the loose soil will make it far worse. 

Long-Term Impact of Excessive Water In Soil

Sometimes the soil around your tree is not able to naturally drain excess rain water and that can lead to serious problems. A queens tree service can identify the signs of excess water in your soil and the problems that follow. 

These problems include the soil at the base of the tree buckling from too much moisture. The once compact dirt will eventually turn into mud which can cause the tree to shift and lean. 

In addition, if the water remains for a long period of time, your roots can begin to decay. If left unchecked the decaying tree roots will eventually die causing the loss of your tree. At that point you need to contact a professional tree removal service. In Queens, NY you can contact Timber Wood Tree Services and they will help you with all your tree care needs.

How to know if your tree soil is too wet

Because the cause of the problem is found beneath the tree, it is very difficult to identify over saturated tree soil. However over time, waterlogged soil, will begin to affect the tree. Tree experts have identified symptoms of a Tree at Risk of waterlogged soil.

– Thinning Leaves

– Yellowing, or Wilted Leaves

– Reduced Leaf Size

– Cracked Or Heaving Soil

– Exposed Roots

– Leaning Tree

– Fungi On Tree Trunk

Contact Timber Wood Tree Service for tree support.

If you are having trouble with a leaning tree and your property is in Queens, NY, make sure to call Timber Wood Tree Service for a free price estimate. Here at Timber Wood Tree Service, our tree removal experts are trained to handle emergency tree care and tree maintenance. Contact Timber Wood Tree Service today for a free price estimate for your Tree needs.

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